Free CastleType Fonts
I hope you will enjoy these free fonts from CastleType. Click on any font poster below to go to the FREE download page for that font.

J'espère que vous apprécierez les polices gratuites de CastleType. Cliquez sur n'importe quelle affiche de police ci-dessous pour accéder à la page de téléchargement GRATUITE de cette police.

Надеюсь, вам понравятся эти бесплатные шрифты от CastleType. Нажмите на любой плакат со шрифтом ниже, чтобы перейти на страницу БЕСПЛАТНОЙ загрузки этого шрифта. 
Mi esperas, ke vi ĝuos ĉi tiujn senpagajn tiparojn de CastleType. Klaku sur iu ajn tiparo-afiŝo sube por iri al la SENPAGA elŝuta paĝo de tiu tiparo.

Ich hoffe, Ihnen gefallen diese kostenlosen Schriftarten von CastleType. Klicken Sie unten auf ein beliebiges Schriftartenposter, um zur KOSTENLOSEN Download-Seite für diese Schriftart zu gelangen.

Espero que você goste de qualquer uma dessas fontes gratuitas do CastleType. Clique em qualquer pôster de fonte abaixo para ir para a página de download GRATUITO dessa fonte.



Castle Fleurons
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A delightful collection of more than 200 classic fleurons. Useful for adding a tasteful accent to your documents or for creating borders.



Goudy Trajan Pro Regular
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Goudy Trajan™ is based on drawings by American type designer F. W. Goudy of his rendition of the capital letters on the Trajan column. Supports Latin, Greek, and Cyrillic scripts. This free download of the Regular weight is complete and includes almost 1500 glyphs.



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Esencia™ was inspired by a Spanish stock certificate from 1941 with 11 beautiful art deco style letters for the words "PERFUMES y ESENCIAS". Slender, elegant, with a Spanish flare. Supports most European languages that use the Latin, Greek, or Cyrilllic alphabets.



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Minotaur™ is an original monoline design based on an Oscan votive inscription from the second century B.C.E. Just as the mythical Minotaur is half man and half bull, the font Minotaur is half modern and half ancient. Supports most modern European languages.



Sonrisa Cond Pro Thin
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Gentle curves, open counters, and generous x-height give Sonrisa™ a cheerful, playful personality. Supports most languages that use the Latin, Greek (modern), or Cyrillic alphabets. Sonrisa™ Condensed Pro Thin is the lightest of 7 weights.



Zamenhof Inline
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Zamenhof™ is a family of five fonts that can be used singly or in combination to create a variety of bold, yet elegant, display styles. Supports most European languages as well as modern Greek, and many languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet.



Standard SExtd Regular
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Standard CT, a cousin to the ubiquitous Helvetica and very similar to Akzidenz-Grotesk, is an alternative that is considerably warmer and a bit more idiosyncratic than those better-known faces. The semi-extended width is a new addition to the Standard CT family.
