CastleType Library: Art Deco Fonts
The CastleType collection of art deco typefaces includes revivals of classics such as Agency Gothic, Eden, Metropolis Bold, Trio, and Koloss, as well as new designs including Esencia, Rudolf, and Zagora. Click on any font poster for a larger view and for more information about that font.




Agency Gothic CT Bold
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Agency Gothic CT Pkg (6 fonts):
$174.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Originally designed by American type designer Morris Fuller Benton in 1933, Agency Gothic is a wonderful, narrow, squarish art deco typeface.



Agency Gothic Condensed
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Agency Gothic CT Pkg (6 fonts):
$174.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Originally designed by American type designer Morris Fuller Benton in 1933, Agency Gothic is a wonderful, narrow, squarish art deco typeface.



Agency Gothic CT Inline
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Agency Gothic CT Pkg (6 fonts):
$174.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Originally designed by American type designer Morris Fuller Benton in 1933, Agency Gothic is a wonderful, narrow, squarish art deco typeface.



Agency Gothic CT Light
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Agency Gothic CT Pkg (6 fonts):
$174.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Originally designed by American type designer Morris Fuller Benton in 1933, Agency Gothic is a wonderful, narrow, squarish art deco typeface.



Agency Gothic CT Medium
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Agency Gothic CT Pkg (6 fonts):
$174.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Originally designed by American type designer Morris Fuller Benton in 1933, Agency Gothic is a wonderful, narrow, squarish art deco typeface.



Agency Gothic CT Open
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring 
Agency Gothic CT Pkg (6 fonts):
$174.00 - Buy at Fontspring

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Originally designed by American type designer Morris Fuller Benton in 1933, Agency Gothic is a wonderful, narrow, squarish art deco typeface.



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Brasileiro™, a CastleType Original, is an art deco design inspired by the seven letters used for the logotype of the Brazilian magazine 'Para Todos' from the 1920s. Described as "great fun" and "impressionante e exuberante."



Carlos Light
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Carlos Package (3 fonts):
$99.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Carlos was inspired by a Spanish typeface designed by German designer, Carlos Winkow, called 'Elektra' (c. 1940), not to be confused with the font 'Electra' by William Addison Dwiggins.



Carlos Medium
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Carlos Package (3 fonts):
$99.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Carlos was inspired by a Spanish typeface designed by German designer, Carlos Winkow, called 'Elektra' (c. 1940), not to be confused with the font 'Electra' by William Addison Dwiggins.



Carlos Bold
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Carlos Package (3 fonts):
$99.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Carlos was inspired by a Spanish typeface designed by German designer, Carlos Winkow, called 'Elektra' (c. 1940), not to be confused with the font 'Electra' by William Addison Dwiggins.



Eden CT Light
$39.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Eden CT Package (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Eden, originally designed by the American type designer Robert H. Middleton in 1934, is a compact art deco typeface with thin slab serifs. Eden CT includes support of most European languages.



Eden CT Medium
$39.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Eden CT Package (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Eden, originally designed by the American type designer Robert H. Middleton in 1934, is a compact art deco typeface with thin slab serifs. Eden CT includes support of most European languages.



Eden CT Bold
$39.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Eden CT Package (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Eden, originally designed by the American type designer Robert H. Middleton in 1934, is a compact art deco typeface with thin slab serifs. Eden CT includes support of most European languages.



$49.00 - Buy at Fontspring

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Esencia™ was inspired by a Spanish stock certificate from 1941 with 11 beautiful art deco style letters for the words "PERFUMES y ESENCIAS". Slender, elegant, with a Spanish flare. Supports most European languages that use the Latin, Greek, or Cyrilllic alphabets.



Fat Freddie
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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Fat Freddie™ is a bold, playful typeface; perfect for a warm, informal look. This font supports most European languages that use the Latin alphabet, including those that use Cyrillic. (Original typeface name and designer unknown.) See also: Goudy Stout.



Jensen Arabique
$39.00 - Buy at Fontspring

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Jensen Arabique™ is an elegant design suggested to me by type critic Daniel Will-Harris: "I found an example of this unexecuted Gustav Jensen typeface in a type sample book from 1933, and Jason Castle lovingly digitized it with all it's rare and unusual curves intact."



Koloss Bold
$39.00 - Buy at Fontspring 
Koloss Family Pkg (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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A wonderful, bold art deco font originally designed by Jakob Erbar in 1924. Supports most European languages. See also: Sonrisa Condensed Pro.




Koloss Condensed
$39.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Koloss Family Pkg (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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A wonderful, bold art deco font originally designed by Jakob Erbar in 1924. Supports most European languages. See also: Sonrisa Condensed Pro.




Koloss Wave
$39.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Koloss Family Pkg (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring
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A wonderful, bold art deco font originally designed by Jakob Erbar in 1924. Supports most European languages. See also: Sonrisa Condensed Pro.



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Rudolf™ is inspired by a handwritten alphabet from The Little ABC Book of Rudolf Koch (1934). Koch's delightful calligraphy is reminiscent of his typeface Neuland (1923). Rudolf is ideal where a bold but whimsical typeface is needed.



Trio CT Light
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring 
Trio CT Package (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring

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Trio CT is a beautiful art deco revival commissioned by Publish magazine in 1991. Trio Light is uppercase only, but includes two alphabets: one art deco style, the other modern.



Trio CT Medium
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring
Trio CT Package (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring

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Trio CT is a beautiful art deco revival commissioned by Publish magazine in 1991. Trio Medium is uppercase only, but includes two alphabets: one art deco style, the other modern.



Trio CT Bold
$59.00 - Buy at Fontspring 
Trio CT Package (3 fonts):
$87.00 - Buy at Fontspring

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Trio CT is a beautiful art deco revival commissioned by Publish magazine in 1991. Trio Bold is uppercase only, but includes two alphabets: one art deco style, the other modern.



Xavier Inline
$29.00 - Buy at Fontspring 
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Xavier Complete (11 fonts):
$209.00 - Buy at Fontspring

The Xavier™ family of typefaces was inspired by the delightful art deco typeface called Ashley Crawford, originally designed in 1930 by Ashley Havinden.



Zagora Bold
$29.00 - Buy at Fontspring

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Zagora™, based on an art deco design (original typeface name and designer unknown), is named for a small Moroccan town on the border of the Sahara desert, where a billboard at the edge of a great expanse of sand points the way to Timbuktu.
