Goudy Trajan Pro Regular: Default uppercase; small caps also included in lowercase position. See Glyphs for details.

Alternates (small caps, swashes, etc.); default caps in red. Not shown: centered small caps. See Glyphs for details.

Goudy Trajan Pro Regular supports most languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet. See Glyphs for details.


Goudy Trajan Pro Regular supports modern (monotonic) Greek. See Glyphs for details.


Goudy Trajan Pro Regular: Numerals, punctuation, currency symbols, and a small sample of fleurons.


Goudy Trajan Pro Regular supports most European languages. See above and below.


Notice that light text on a dark background appears slightly heavier than dark text on a light background.




Goudy Trajan Pro includes small caps (shown here with capitals) for Latin, Cyrillic (below) and Greek.

Cyrillic small caps (shown with default capitals). See Glyphs for details.


Goudy Trajan Regular (top) and Adobe's Trajan Regular for comparison. The easiest way to tell the difference between these two fonts is to compare the serifs of the 'A' and 'M'. Note also that Goudy Trajan Regular is somewhat lighter than Adobe's Trajan Regular. Goudy Trajan is available in 3 weights; Adobe's Trajan has 2 weights. The more common spelling for the Indian city (formerly 'Bombay') is 'Mumbai', with an 'i', but this spelling above works better for comparing the fonts. Note: The 'U' above is Goudy's original design and is available as an alternate (via stylistic set 2); the default 'U' is more rounded at the bottom.


First published use of Goudy Trajan Regular by San Francisco designer, Ellen Toomey.


A selection of swash caps. See Glyphs for all swash caps.


Goudy Trajan Guide. Download printable version here.

A selection of Greek swash caps. Goudy Trajan Pro also includes Cyrillic swash caps. See Glyphs for all swash caps.





